• By Nicole
  • |
  • Jan. 25. 2020

The comfort and luxury of your bedroom is influenced by its aesthetics. If you don’t find the room inviting, you won’t feel like relaxing there. As your bed is its dominant piece of furniture, it will significantly influence the room’s appearance and comfort. Being functional and appealing is the best way to make your bedroom perfect. There are numerous accessories and bedding products that can help with this. One such item is a bed skirt. This may seem like a negligible detail but it has a strong impact on your bedroom’s aesthetics and hygiene.

What Is a Bed Skirt?

Also known as a dust ruffle or valance, a bed skirt is placed between the box spring and the mattress. It hides the bedposts and box spring and prevents dust accumulation as well as any resultant mould growth. It consists of two parts – the skirt and the deck.  Bed skirts are generally three-sided, however four-sided ones are necessary when the head of the bed is exposed.


Bed skirts look appealing but serve a functional purpose as well. If you want your bedroom to look as good as a hotel room, you need to accessorize your bed properly. The following are some functional perks of using a bed skirt.

  • • It usually hides the area beneath your bed; hence you can use this space for storage and it won’t look unsightly since clutter will be hidden.
  • • Dust accumulation under the bed is minimized so dust mite infestation can be prevented.


There are several different types of bed skirts. Each imparts a very different look to your bedroom so make your choice keeping in mind your intended décor theme.

  • • Straight or corner pleated: This is a plain style with pleats at each corner. It’s also known as a box pleat because it looks like part of the bed frame.
  • • Corner and centre pleat: This type is similar to a straight pleat, with additional ones at the centre of each side of the skirt.
  • • Gathered ruffled bed skirts: These come in different forms and impart a casual but well put-together look to your bedroom.
  • • Ruffle hem bed skirts: These add a more rustic and traditional charm to your bedroom, with small ruffles at the skirt hem.
  • • Layered ruffles: These include two layers of the ruffle, making it a more flowy and elegant style.



Image Source https://www.bit.ly/39kmuUL


4 Factors to Choose the Best Bed Skirt

Owing to the variety of styles, fabrics and colours available, choosing the best match isn’t always easy. Keeping in mind the following factors will narrow down your list and make choosing the best product easier.

  1. Colour

The colour of the bed skirt should match the curtains to balance the room’s look and make it appear symmetrical. While the standard colour of this bedding accessory is white, you will also find it in other solid or patterned colours. You can also have it tailor-made to match your curtains.

  1. Drop length

The drop length is the height between the box spring and the floor. Measure it accurately to find the right product. The standard drop length is 15”; anything more or less than that will have to be custom made. The ideal drop length will see the skirt skimming the floor.

  1. Fabric

A bed skirt made of heavy fabric will retain its shape and last for years. These fabrics include velvet, chenille, matelassé and faux suede. Cotton and linen are comparatively lighter weight but more affordable, making them popular choices.

  1. Bed skirt or bed spread

Many homeowners see bed skirts as outdated. One alternative is a bed spread. This is an oversized bedsheet that hangs to the floor on all the sides. Note: only choose one as using both defeats the aesthetic purpose of bed skirts and looks unsightly.

Using bed skirts to create a chic and elegant bedroom is a great way to minimize cleaning under the bed. Keep the above-mentioned criteria and products in mind to make choosing the best option easier.